
Choose my own road - Cantonese stand up comedy

經過上年巡迴十個地方,係小癲! 2023係一人之境!十個地方!墨爾本、雪梨、台灣、澳門、愛丁堡、曼城、倫敦、紐約、吉隆坡同香港。 今次黎個大癲,首次響雪梨做一個大型場地。響巡迴期間見到唔同地方既衝擊,呢個騷就係帶個衝擊比大家。 究竟阿Tim有冇成長到?一個人響外地做廣東話棟篤笑係點?每個地方有咩最怪既事?仲有同一世界既香港人又係點?最後既係阿Tim揀左條路,佢會唔會喊呢?入場話用棟篤笑話你知。 2024 Tim最新棟篤笑- 【條路自己揀】廣東話棟篤笑 After touring ten different places last year, it was an amazing experience! In 2023, it will be a solo journey, visiting ten places: Melbourne, Sydney, Taiwan, Macau, Edinburgh, Manchester, London, New York, Kuala Lumpur, and Hong Kong. During this tour, I encountered various impactful moments in different locations. This show aims to bring that impact to everyone. Has Tim grown as a person? How does one perform Cantonese stand-up comedy in a foreign land? What are the strangest things about each place? And how do Hong Kong people fit into the same world? In the end, Tim has chosen his path. Will he laugh or cry? Come to the show to find out. In 2024, Tim’s latest stand-up comedy show – 【條路自己揀】Cantonese stand up comedy
2024/11/30 17:30-18:30